And here they are..

Mudrikah Syaekhan

Dwimayu Budinastiti

Indah Nada Puspita

Jenny Soraya

Nenden Alifa
Congratulation! :)
We will contact the winners soon, and send the invitation today.
The remaining 5 in The big 10 that we mentioned last night will also get DP merchandises.
They are:
1. Irma Nurul Hakim
2. Cut Radhiah Swadia
3. Widad Shodri
4. Laura Darliani
5. Reysha Utami
Thank you all, for your participation! :)
Mudrikah Syaekhan
Dwimayu Budinastiti
Indah Nada Puspita
Jenny Soraya
Nenden Alifa
Congratulation! :)
We will contact the winners soon, and send the invitation today.
The remaining 5 in The big 10 that we mentioned last night will also get DP merchandises.
They are:
1. Irma Nurul Hakim
2. Cut Radhiah Swadia
3. Widad Shodri
4. Laura Darliani
5. Reysha Utami
Thank you all, for your participation! :)
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